What's On Your Mind?

You've come to a pretty awesome place on the page. This is your opportunity to let your creative freak flag fly! Share styles, patterns, suggestions to current products - anything! 

All we ask is you keep your feedback constructive. If you don't like something we are doing please let us know in a way which we can take action to make it better. 

You rock!

  • Ideas by Kaitlyn Spooner

  • More Basics

    First of all, the reason why PACT is my favorite clothing brand is because the clothes are so classic in style and basic in function. This makes it the easiest place to start when trying to build a more sustainable wardrobe. I hope you continue to focus on these features, as well as organic natural materials. I would love to see even more basic clothing items, such as women's sweatpants(!), bras/bralettes, and more top and bottom styles--still basic and classic, but more options. I absolutely love this company and can't wait to see what it has to offer in the future! (But PS... I'm still waiting on my free socks!)